Calling all holistic Professionals!!! Human Design Readers, Astrologers, Reiki masters, kinesiologists, healers, naturopaths, Acupuncturists, intuitive healers alike....
Are you a holistic professional or wanting to start a wellness business but not sure where to start?
Do you feel blocked in areas that you can’t seem to shift through alone?
Do you want to better understand yourself, and how you can make your business work for you?
Do you struggle with things like admin, back office set up, pricing your services and all the other things that come from running a business that does not include actually doing what you love to do which is your modality?
Do you want a better sense of clarity around your life purpose and how to step into alignment with your soul work?
Do you want to unlock abundance and drastically uplevel your business, without losing your integrity, burning yourself out or pricing your services so high that you become inaccessible to the everyday person you are so eager to help?
Have you tried coaching programs in the past that didn't understand your industry, understand your values or that pushed you into a framework that was largely focused on making money rather than making a difference?
Do you also want to drastically improve your health, increase confidence, intuition, physical wellbeing, happiness and magnetism!!?
The Aligned evolution could be for you.
We all want to evolve our lives and our businesses, but we want to do so in a way that actually aligns to us! It has been my observation over the past 14 years working in holistic and energetic health that most practitioners are actually not motivated by making lots of money, of course we want that to. but it's not our core value and it's not what has us springing out of bed in the morning. Thats why most businesses coaching programs don't work for us! because the focus is on making money not making a difference. it is about taking you away from working in your business so you can work on your business and have the business run itself, again for most healers we want the opposite.
We often come to our profession from a deep desire to impact the health and wellbeing of our community and to do that we either study or fine tune our skills over time to continue to show up and be of service.
The flip side of this is that a lot of healers who are amazing at their modalities struggle with the business end, because its just not what we came here to do right!! I often also see many healers unable to feel confident about their pricing and their offerings because they want to remain in service and accessible which leads them to working long hours and becoming so burnt out.
so how do you find balance? how can you run a thriving practice that allows you to serve, pay the bills and not be completely overwhelmed? how do you evolve your business in a way that aligns with your integrity and your values? Thats what this program aims to do. Working with myself and other industry experts who have tried and proven track records of running successful practices, courses and events from a space of integrity and soul.

Q: How will I know a group container will still cater to my individual needs?
A: If ever had a coaching experience where the coach that’s taking you through a program has a one size fits all approach that just hasn’t worked for you? Has that left you feeling annoyed at the lack of results or even annoyed at yourself for not fitting into the box? I’ve had similar experiences with coaching before and it is so disheartening to invest your time and money into something that simply doesn’t apply to your unique life experiences. That’s where this program excels! Small group coaching classes that utilize your energetic DNA, individual human design charts, It combines Coaching techniques and strategies with kinesiology and human design which are both modalities that really look to the uniqueness of the individual. Using this powerful combination we can accurately uncover the specific points that have been holding you back and make lasting changes to your life on a multidimensional level. You will also have a coach who cares about your individual needs and has a personal understanding of where you are at. Another bonus is you will also get to connect with a community of people in the same space as you and you can keep your outlays to a minimum.
Q: what if I still want a one-on-one coaching experience?
A: no problems! check out the deep chakra awakenings program catered specifically for you.
Q: How do I know if this is the right program for me?
A: I am not the kind of coach who wants to work with everyone, being a 5th line in human design means my reputation is very important to me, so is the quality of the work I want to deliver. Due to this I only want to work with people who are really going to benefit from working with me specifically that’s why you can choose to talk to me one on one or come to a free non obligation information night and really feel into if this is the right path for you to take. No sales tactics, no pressure completely in your capable hands to know if its right for you.
The body mind and soul are incredible, they work together and effect each other. working with all of these areas holistically is the answer to the freedom and forward movement you are seeking. Alignment is key to understanding and unlocking your full potential and staying on the right path without falling to self sabotage.